A WEEE Follow up – International E-Waste Day 2021
October 29, 2021
On the 14th of October 2021, we held our annual members briefing online followed by a public webinar marking International E-Waste Day under the theme Collaboration for e-circularity.
The event was hosted by Environmental Compliance & Membership Manager Elizabeth O’Reilly and included briefings and presentations from the WEEE Ireland team and European guest speakers. Our thanks to all who participated on the day.
Part 1 – Members-Only Fee & Strategy Briefing
During the first part of the event, WEEE Ireland’s CEO Leo Donovan, presented the compliance schemes‘ results for 2020 alongside strategy and fees for 2022. Our thanks to the Members who registered and attended our briefing event online. Follow up information on 2022 fees as discussed will be circulated to all Main, Accounts and CEO contacts after the meeting of the Board of Directors.
If you have any questions or would like further information in relation to membership, compliance, or fees for 2022, please contact our Compliance and Membership Team at info@weeeireland.ie. We are available to organise one-to-one meetings with Members who have not been able to attend the Strategy & Fee Briefing on the 14th October 2021.
Circular Economy Strategy
We launched our Circular Economy Strategy “Circular Vision” at the briefing event where we outlined our key vision & mission for the Scheme under the changing regulatory and societal framework toward a more Circular Economy for Ireland.
WEEE Ireland’s Compliance and Membership Manager Elizabeth O’Reilly presented the main actions that will support a new Circular WEEE & Battery system in Ireland, including :
- Mandatory handover from Scrap Metal Sector to Schemes
- Consideration of Available for Collection in Target Setting for Schemes
- Producer Registration requirement in Public Procurement and Grant Funding
- Streamlined Compliance Solutions for SMEs to minimise administrative and cost burden for all
- National Communications Forum to drive awareness in WEEE and other EPR in a cohesive way
- Data Forum supported by a national WEEE & Battery data auditing programme on Schemes & Producers
- Early review of future reporting and financing requirements
- Battery Regulation impact
units reporting for accuracy, new categories - Eco-modulation
- Necessary Costs
- Visible Fee
- Battery Regulation impact
More details on our strategy and projects and programmes we are engaged in with stakeholders including CIRCULÉIRE can be found here »
We want to hear more from our Members on their thoughts on Circular Economy strategy development and what your organisation is doing in this space. If your company is a member of WEEE Ireland, you can have your say through our survey »
You can also find a summary of WEEE Ireland’s results for 2020 in our Annual Environmental Report »
Details about our new Follow your Lead call to action campaign encouraging more WEEE collection can be found here »
Part 2 – Open Webinar, Collaboration for e-Circularity
During the open webinar, Elizabeth O’Reilly gave an overview of WEEE Ireland’s new Circular Economy Strategy Circular Vision, the policy and regulatory context the Scheme is working under and some of the new programmes the WEEE Ireland team are working on behalf of Members, including the IMR CIRCULÉIRE industry platform and innovation projects and the ongoing developments under the forthcoming Battery Regulations.
The slide deck of Elizabeth’s presentation can be found here »
Further information and external resources discussed during the webinar can be accessed through these links:
- Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy 2020-2025 »
- General Scheme of Ireland’s Circular Economy Bill 2021 »
- The European Green Deal and its implication for Ireland »
- Eucobat position papers »
- Link to CESI press release »
During this event, a number of external videos on e-waste were also presented to attendees. You can replay all of them from the links below:
- EU Commissioner message on IEWD
- Global vox pop on e-waste
- UN Assistant Secretary General
- Infographics animation
Our guest speakers, Pascal Leroy, Dr Kees Baldé and Elise Finidori presented on three topics linked to the need for collaboration for better WEEE management. More information and slide decks from our 3 guest speakers can be found below.
Collaborating for E-Circularity
Pascal Leroy, Director General, WEEE Forum
Pascal has worked at international level in the field of electronic waste management and policies for the past 20 years, first at APPLiA, and since 2007 as Director General of the WEEE Forum.
During his presentation, Pascal highlighted the importance of all-actors collaboration to tackle the growing challenge of e-waste. More information about the all-actors approach and the work of the WEEE Forum can be found here » AND WEEE forum »
Pascal’s Presentation – Collaborating for E-Circularity »
65% Target and WEEE Flows
Dr. Kees Baldé, Senior Programme Officer at the Sustainable Cycles Programme, United Nations University
Dr Kees Baldé is the main author of the Global E-waste Monitors that he prepared together with the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership. He is the focal point for statistics, builds capacity in developing countries, gives policy advice to countries on e-waste, supervises staff and strategically develops the team. In the EU, Kees is involved in research projects focusing on circular economy, urban mining and critical raw materials.
In his presentation, Kees discussed the state of WEEE collection in Ireland and the factors impacting achievement of the 65% target.
Kees’s Presentation – 65% Targets and WEEE Flows »
Environmental Fees & Consumer Behaviour
Elise Finidori, Compliance Executive, WEEE Ireland
Elise Finidori joined WEEE Ireland in 2019 and works with the scheme’s Members to help them achieve compliance. She is also involved in policy related work and has contributed to a number of projects with WEEE Ireland’s partners CIRCULÉIRE and the WEEE Forum.
During the webinar, Elise presented the results of a study conducted by WEEE Ireland in cooperation with the Swiss compliance scheme SENS eRecycling on consumer Behaviour in relation to visible recycling fees.
Elise’s Presentation – Environmental Fees & Consumer Behaviour »
Our next webinar, which will focus on the Lighting sector, will be held on Tuesday, 30th November from 11.30am until 1pm. This is the first of a series of online events which WEEE Ireland will organise in 2021 and 2022. A link to the registration portal for this event will be emailed to all Members a few weeks before the webinar.
If you have any questions or would like further information in relation to our events, please contact our Compliance and Membership Team at info@weeeireland.ie